Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Someone's nicked the beach!

I'm still getting burnt as the sun is still out over Scotland. The clouds were quite heavy looking when we got up this morning for Ka's last holiday but by two o'clock the sun was back out once more, blazing away, incinerating many a Scottish skin cell. It's been a great week. We've went to the beach, attended a school sports day, watched a fair bit of the old World Cup, enjoyed a few pub lunches, had a few pints in the sun and seen a few movies, including the severely odd 'Greenberg'.
On Saturday Ka and myself drove down to Largs to visit the seafront once more only to find someone had nicked the beach. I was sure there had been a sand beach there when I was a kid. I had vague memories of visiting the shows of the seafront when I was wee and going to Nardini's for an ice cream before running down to the sandy beach. However, I must have been getting my coastal towns mixed up again (I hate it when that happens!). Largs has never had sand, only pebbles.
Not to be undeterred I spread the car's rug out over the rocky beach and lay down. It took a short while to shuffle and squirm around until I had made a decent Michael shaped indent in the pebbles underneath in order to lie in some degree of comfort, but I got there in the end, convincing Ka to join me. We ended up relaxing in our indents for a few hours, watching the ferry come and go for Millport more than a few times and people of all shapes and sizes attempt skimming stones over the shimmering waterfront. I barely managed 3 bounces with my stones but according to the World Skimming Championships, (, it's all down to the distance the stone travels rather than the amount of bounces. From what I could tell I skimmed just as good as the rest of them. It would have been a different story if Dad had been there.
Needless to say, Ka and myself came home a little burnt, even though we had been applying the sun cream. My prominent forehead shining a magnificent shade of luminous red which has, thankfully, now calmed down. From the looks of it the sun won't be going anywhere quite yet though.

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