Times must be bad. At lunch, Gareth and myself halved in to buy a Time Out chocolate biscuit. One finger each. The machine stands up against one of the walls of the work canteen facing you as you walk in for your break, immediately tempting you with all sorts of snacking delights. Usually I can resist no problem and am quite happy to eat my sandwiches and fruit. However, today it was tough. It has been one of those Mondays for me. In for work on time, working continuously for the first three quarters of the day, gulping down tea in the hope that it stirred some life into me and still I remained drowsy. I don't think I actually reached full consiousness till around four in the afternoon today. The surrender to half a Time Out was in the hope that some chocolate would waken me up a little. It probably worked but took till around four to do so.
Trying to cut down on all the sugary delights at the moment. At the McGarvas for dinner last night I was forced to eat two desserts. Well, not forced exactly, but i would have felt bad if I had refused the second. A piece of Cadbury's Chocolate Easter cake - complete with mini eggs on top. As we drank our tea and ate our puddings after a brilliant Sunday roast the McGarvas and myself watched Dancing On Ice, the show in which celebrities compete with each other, figure skating with their own partnered professionals.

Glossy, crystal clean, teeth sparkling entertainment. Not one for watching these kind of programs, worryingly I found myself transfixed by the skaters gliding round the tv screen. Whether this was because I was in the In laws household and had nowhere else to escape, because I was half sleeping, digesting the sunday meal or because I was genuinely enjoying the program, I've no idea. Perhaps it was down to the girl from Blue Peter, Zoé Salmon. Blue Peter presenters have changed a lot since the eighties that's for sure! Who did we have? Mark Curry and Anthea flamin' Turner?! Shockingly, Zoé was booted off in the final with the dire 'Loose Woman' Nolan sister still in the competition. What's that all about?! Have the voting public for these tv shows gone mad? First John Sargeant nearly wins the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing by wobbling his double chin, the next, a fumbling, overweight Nolan sister wins over a beautiful, skilled dancer like Zoé. Dispicable. The show's corrupt. Has to be!
Woke up this morning to the neighbours arguing again. A young couple, maybe slightly younger than us, live above with their small baby. Once a week the girl has a screaming fit. Not the baby, the grown up. Shouting and yelling at the other half, saying how he does nothing, he does not care for her, blah blah. All the usual stuff. At least when Ka and myself argue we come up with different, more imaginative ways to yell at each other (door slamming competitions, handstands, balancing a glass of water on our head, etc). The two upstairs just seem to go through the same thing everytime. It's always the girl you hear shouting though, never the guy. His voice only travels down as a barely audible mumble in reply to his raving partner's. No wonder I'm so flamin' tired.
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