Went to the new bar/restaurant in East Kilbride on Wednesday night called The Byre. Nice interior, nice layout but zilch atmosphere unfortunately. It is early days yet though, maybe once people start actually going things will change. Chaz, Colin and myself sat down to a pint infront of one of the large flat screen televisions dotted throughout the large open bar. At first the Liverpool match was on but after an hour or so we realised this had changed to considerably dodgy music videos involving scantily dressed women rolling about in mud and which soon descended into blatant soft core porn. We couldn't help wondering in what way this new pub was trying to appeal to the family orientated leisure and dining market. Once the teen bar staff eventually cottoned on to what was being viewed on all their tv screens they hurriedly turned it over to the Smash Hits channel giving us music videos from the likes of Robbie and Justin. Our meeting was a farewell and congrats to Colin as he was leaving for Warrington again having completed his teacher training. He's been very busy of late, buried under his books, jotters and dissertations so it was good to catch up and wish him well with a lot of moaning about women, talking of the 'old days' and basically putting the world to rights again (as blokes do when they're out with 'the lads'). This is why it's always healthy to have a 'lads' night. There's far more jobs, teaching jobs specifically, down south for Colin which is why he's heading off again. Often thought about teaching as a career myself but have always coincidentally managed to gain employment elsewhere. I'm just not sure whether I'd have the patience for dealing with secondary school pupils. It may still happen though, who knows. The first time I muted the idea I actually sent in an application (too late, as it turned out) only to be immediately shouted at from my Uncle Tom who completely advised me against it. What does he do for a living? He teaches.
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