On holiday from work last week so had time to chill, watch a few movies, enjoy the sunshine, do some painting and hit the town and have a couple of pints. As we arrived in Glasgow's town centre at half nine on Wednesday night the pubs had been emptying with many a drunk, disappointed looking person. No violent scenes fortunately unlike the horrible films we seen on the news the next day from Manchester. What a bloody disaster... makes you ashamed to be Scottish. Anyway, Glasgow thankfully had none of that and we ended up in Bunker which is a cool bar on Bath Street with cool music. Cool all over really. Woke up on Thursday feeling a bit rough mind you. Maybe indulged in too many cheap vodkas. The movies I watched over the week were pretty mediocre all over really - "The Cottage", a vaguely amusing brit-comedy horror probably better watched with a
couple of pints, "Black Sheep", an vaguely entertaining gorey horror, again probably better with a couple of pints, 'Shrooms', yet another horror about teens getting lost in a forest type location and slowly getting killed off in horribly horrible ways, and 'The Nines' a weird mystery centering on a guy with a supposed personality crisis. Again probably better with a couple of pints.
Here's the latest painting so far:

Have been working on this since this last shot was taken so it has improved, honest! Then again, looking at this after a couple of pints...
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